Monday, March 18, 2013

Field Day in the Yaris

So this week we have a major forum taking place and so the office got a rental. A very lovely White YARIS :-)

I had to go and make payments at Bligh Water Shipping. I recall their office being in Walu Bay (Suva) so I drove down.
To my surprise that office space was empty and there was a notice:

We have moved to Moala Street, Samabula!!
So I drove down to Moala Street. On the phone the staff said it is now at 83 Moala street. Took me a while to find 83 Moala street only to be told they have moved to Lami.
So I asked them where in Lami they moved to and he told me to go to Resene Paints office, drive past it to the bend and that's where the office has shifted to.
For those who do not know Suva and Lami, Map of Suva to Lami And I went from somewhere near Downtown Suva, up towards Princess Road and than towards Novotel.
So I drove to Lami. Got to Resene paints and what what is on the bend "Food Pacific Limited".
I called bligh Water Shipping again and this time a different staff answered my call. He said I needed to take the street opposite from Resene paints and come all the way to the Round about.
And there it was Bligh Water Shipping. Bought the ticket and returned to the office.
Later that day I find out that Bligh Water Shipping has an office in the City near the market...
Oh deary me!! What a day :-)

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