Friday, November 22, 2013

DIY: Christmas deco

And it is that time of the year again . . . Holiday Season ... 

Jingle Bells 
My birthday bells

TinringRINGring :-) 

I found some cool stuff in a shop and decided to make use of it . . . So here is some Arts & Craft by HerRoyal Bano 

Step 1:
Buy (or look for old deco material):

These things are so cool and they come different colors and size. I purchased only 2 sizes and got 5 different colors :-) 

Step 2: 
Get streamers.

I am using Red and White :-) 

Step 3: 
String the colored deco with the streamer.

Step 4: 
tie a knot once you slip in the final deco. 
Add more streamers at the bottom and curl them.

Final Step: 
Hang them around your home, office or outdoor deco :-) 

There you go  . . . 
Until Next blog . . . 

Mrs. Bano-Mow

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