Friday, November 22, 2013

DIY: Christmas deco

And it is that time of the year again . . . Holiday Season ... 

Jingle Bells 
My birthday bells

TinringRINGring :-) 

I found some cool stuff in a shop and decided to make use of it . . . So here is some Arts & Craft by HerRoyal Bano 

Step 1:
Buy (or look for old deco material):

These things are so cool and they come different colors and size. I purchased only 2 sizes and got 5 different colors :-) 

Step 2: 
Get streamers.

I am using Red and White :-) 

Step 3: 
String the colored deco with the streamer.

Step 4: 
tie a knot once you slip in the final deco. 
Add more streamers at the bottom and curl them.

Final Step: 
Hang them around your home, office or outdoor deco :-) 

There you go  . . . 
Until Next blog . . . 

Mrs. Bano-Mow

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fiji Young Women's Forum (Day 1)

Fiji Young Women's Forum 
Journal log of being a participant at the Fiji Young Women's Forum (2013)

8th November, 2013

Early start today. Breakfast by 8am and at the conference room before 8.15am.

Introductions, hopes, expectations and guidelines were very interesting as we wrote down some of the things we would like to achieve in the next three days.

What motivates me to do the work that I do? 
My motivation comes from my family. 
My Mum is supermom and she has always been very wise. She never believed in physical violence to correct a child's behavior (so yeah I never got a hiding from her). 
My second motivation is my aunt who I saw study hard in school, go to University, work hard there, graduate and have a beautiful family. She was a teacher and I admired her for encouraging and motivating other young people. She was always very cool :-) 
My third motivator is my father. He is super talented and I think my craftiness comes from him. He is always taking things lightly and annoys us so much it really drives us up the wall BUT we love him to bits. he has worked hard and made sure we have had a shelter on our heads, food on our table and cloths on our back. We grew up with radios and TV, computers, good books, creative toys and wonderful family vacations. All thanks to my family. 
And my two constant motivators who believe in me highly (I think) are my sister and my husband. They are both my best friends :-) 
Through my years of moving around from place to place I have met many people and I still keep in touch with some of them. During these networking(s) I have some people who were not as fortunate as we are - and this is where I get motivated to do something for others.
There are at least 5 people who have motivated me to be where I am and all this was possible by their emotional, financial and educational support towards me. I want to use this motivation to motivate others. I want to inspire others to do their best and be a motivation for others. 

Defining Democracy and Politics.
The groups worked on their definitions of the words Democracy and Politics. 
While most defined democracy as consensus and for the people by the people most defined politics in relation to 'dirty game' played by 'men'. Interesting 

Political History of Fiji:
This was my favorite part of the day as we took a history walk into our (Fiji's) past. It was refreshing to see youth leading the sessions and tell us what an integral part of History is missing from our Education system. No one taught us how many elections, constitutions and coups we have had in Fiji. We do learn (the other important part) about the first settlers in Fiji, la-pita, indentured laborers, black birding, barter system and our independence. 

We also got the opportunity to reflect on what we were doing during these times and it was astounding to see the (very fast) rate at which the year 2000 filled up. We all recalled either being in school or at home and we recall where we went from there. Rushing home. Enjoying 'extra holiday' and in 2006 most of us were more aware that the 'extra holiday' is not Holiday. It is a life changing experience. 

Panel Discussion:
We ended the day with some very inspirational discussions with three of the activist women.
They discussed Nuclear testing protesting (that took place in the 80's and 90's), women and youth in the trade unions and challenges faced by women to end violence against women. 

Gear up ladies. This was only Day 1. 

Until next blog . . . 