Wednesday, January 30, 2013

violence against women

Having a discussion (argument) on a FB forum on the topic of 'Women and Rape/violence'... This not so gentleman comes in and says "Women should learn martial arts'...
AND here we go again - around the same playground...
-women should wear long skirts.
-women should stay home.
-women should not go out alone.
-women should be silent . .. etc etc etc ....
That is enough B/S!!! Seriously!!! Lets face the reality of this matter!!! No matter what women do (or dont do) they continue to be subjected to violence and unequal opportunities. 1 in 3 women have undergone some kind of violence.
PNG stats shows 80% women have undergone violence.
Vanuatu stat shows 74% women have undergone violence.
that women/girl next to you might have undergone violence (of some sort). why didnt she tell you??? Exactly because of the above mentioned 'answers' that they receive... "If you did not talk back to you husband he would not hit you' i think that ship has sailed.... Women need to take ownership of their LIVES (lord knows it we only get it once) AND MEN...
MEN need to STOP this blame game and use their networks, positions and resources to EDUCATE other men that VIOLENCE of any kind is WRONG!!!!

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