Wednesday, February 15, 2012

McScreamy's in the car.

ONce upon a time there were two sisters. They would travel to work together. Loriza would drop Elisha (me) off and take the car to work. 
On a beautiful Wednesday Loriza drives the car out to drop us to work and school. I was seated in the front seat of the car. We dropped mum to work and drove off to pick Princess Road. 
As usual we picked up Tanz and Simran, they both set in the back of the car. 
Suva is rather flooded with vehicles so we usually take the back routes to work and school. We were driving by listening to the music when all of a sudden we hear Tanz screaming in the back seat. The newspaper she was holding was being utilized to slap a tiny little lizard that had found its way inside the car. 
Of course we all panicked. Loriza pulled over (not fully pulling over, she was still slightly on the main road). Any way - Tanz, Simran and I got out of the car. Tan still screaming while Simran and I tried to locate the lizard. 
A man was walking by on the other side of the road and he slowed down (Probably wondering why these young ladies are acting weird at this hour). Next thing we know Loriza screams! The lizard was on her seat by now. She jumped from her seat - onto the passenger seat - and out of the CAR!! This all happened in a split second. The sight was LOL - AWESOME - LOL.... By now Simran and I are almost 'rofl' but we are not that mean. So we checked the entire car for the poor falla (the Lizard). Sadly we couldn't find it.  Looking at the time and knowing we all get late we stand around waiting for the Lizard to turn up some where. I took the car keys and asked everyone to get back in the car. Simran took the front passenger seat and we requested McScreamy's to sit in the back. 
On the road again - a few minutes later Tanz starts screaming again saying the Lizard was on Loriza. OMG!!! Not again. Phew. Tanz was joking. But it did get Loriza screaming and almost jumping out of the window. 

So that was the story of one Screamy morning on our way to work and school. 
Oh how I wish I videoed that moment. =)