Wednesday, November 30, 2011

School ends (letters to the editor)

School ends

WITH a few days remaining why is it, since last week, students are already on holiday?
Don't parents pay fees to the very last day of the school term?
My concern is over the students who come to school from home in the morning and because 'nothing is happening' in school they loiter in town.
I would urge teachers to engage the minds in useful activities, for example quiz, skits, poetry, arts and craft, debates, spelling tests or sports even, but do not let them loiter aimlessly.
As for parents, please encourage your children to engage in activities that will benefit them come the new school year.
To students, relax a little but do not forget the new school year will pose more challenges for you.
Happy holidays to all students. Be mindful of your safety and that of others too.

Published in the FIJI TIMES: 01/12/2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Stress of Exams

For the entire semester I was busy as a bee. 
Attended every class, completed every assignment on time and religiously kept up with my reading for class. 
A week before exams we had study break and for some odd reason I was in panic mode (mind you PANIC ATTACK is something that was covered in the course).
A few friends and I decided we ought to study together during the exam time and so we did.
I packed a bag and went to stay all night on Campus. It helped a great deal. 
The study room had computers so 'google' helped us with our 'not so certain answers' and the white board gave us the opportunity to scribble diagrams and list notes as part of our revision. THANK HEAVENS for the facility of Post Graduate study Labs.

One night we stayed up till 3.30am and I am so happy I actually learnt a lot that night (makes me want to suggest late night classes for the next semester - in my dreams LOL).\
It is an excellent idea to study at night with trusted friends who will share knowledge and help you understand what went over your head during lecturers. 

Two weeks of exam went well and I spent a few sleepless nights on Campus. Even though we live on a small Island [that people are almost never able to spot/locate] I love our University campus. It is clean, green and Gorgeous!!

Both papers went well. I knew answers to the questions presented therefore feeling very Proud of my hard work.

And now to anticipate exam RESULTS [fingers crossed for great scores]


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Heena by ELLY :)

I have always enjoyed making heena patterns. Heena is made from the dried leaf of a Mehndi plant and it is very commonly sold in shops in little tubes (which make it very easy to use while making patterns).

Today I was sitting at home (slightly bored) so I decided to make some designs on my own hand (it is so much more fun to make the designs on some one else's hand).

Here are some photos I took at the end . . .
Pictures taken from SONY SLR Camera thanks to my sister =)

Until another day of boredom or if an event calls for it :) :) :)
