Friday, November 22, 2013

DIY: Christmas deco

And it is that time of the year again . . . Holiday Season ... 

Jingle Bells 
My birthday bells

TinringRINGring :-) 

I found some cool stuff in a shop and decided to make use of it . . . So here is some Arts & Craft by HerRoyal Bano 

Step 1:
Buy (or look for old deco material):

These things are so cool and they come different colors and size. I purchased only 2 sizes and got 5 different colors :-) 

Step 2: 
Get streamers.

I am using Red and White :-) 

Step 3: 
String the colored deco with the streamer.

Step 4: 
tie a knot once you slip in the final deco. 
Add more streamers at the bottom and curl them.

Final Step: 
Hang them around your home, office or outdoor deco :-) 

There you go  . . . 
Until Next blog . . . 

Mrs. Bano-Mow

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fiji Young Women's Forum (Day 1)

Fiji Young Women's Forum 
Journal log of being a participant at the Fiji Young Women's Forum (2013)

8th November, 2013

Early start today. Breakfast by 8am and at the conference room before 8.15am.

Introductions, hopes, expectations and guidelines were very interesting as we wrote down some of the things we would like to achieve in the next three days.

What motivates me to do the work that I do? 
My motivation comes from my family. 
My Mum is supermom and she has always been very wise. She never believed in physical violence to correct a child's behavior (so yeah I never got a hiding from her). 
My second motivation is my aunt who I saw study hard in school, go to University, work hard there, graduate and have a beautiful family. She was a teacher and I admired her for encouraging and motivating other young people. She was always very cool :-) 
My third motivator is my father. He is super talented and I think my craftiness comes from him. He is always taking things lightly and annoys us so much it really drives us up the wall BUT we love him to bits. he has worked hard and made sure we have had a shelter on our heads, food on our table and cloths on our back. We grew up with radios and TV, computers, good books, creative toys and wonderful family vacations. All thanks to my family. 
And my two constant motivators who believe in me highly (I think) are my sister and my husband. They are both my best friends :-) 
Through my years of moving around from place to place I have met many people and I still keep in touch with some of them. During these networking(s) I have some people who were not as fortunate as we are - and this is where I get motivated to do something for others.
There are at least 5 people who have motivated me to be where I am and all this was possible by their emotional, financial and educational support towards me. I want to use this motivation to motivate others. I want to inspire others to do their best and be a motivation for others. 

Defining Democracy and Politics.
The groups worked on their definitions of the words Democracy and Politics. 
While most defined democracy as consensus and for the people by the people most defined politics in relation to 'dirty game' played by 'men'. Interesting 

Political History of Fiji:
This was my favorite part of the day as we took a history walk into our (Fiji's) past. It was refreshing to see youth leading the sessions and tell us what an integral part of History is missing from our Education system. No one taught us how many elections, constitutions and coups we have had in Fiji. We do learn (the other important part) about the first settlers in Fiji, la-pita, indentured laborers, black birding, barter system and our independence. 

We also got the opportunity to reflect on what we were doing during these times and it was astounding to see the (very fast) rate at which the year 2000 filled up. We all recalled either being in school or at home and we recall where we went from there. Rushing home. Enjoying 'extra holiday' and in 2006 most of us were more aware that the 'extra holiday' is not Holiday. It is a life changing experience. 

Panel Discussion:
We ended the day with some very inspirational discussions with three of the activist women.
They discussed Nuclear testing protesting (that took place in the 80's and 90's), women and youth in the trade unions and challenges faced by women to end violence against women. 

Gear up ladies. This was only Day 1. 

Until next blog . . . 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

RIP Joytika Singh

a blog has been long over due....

But it pains me a lot to write this one. However, it needs to be documented.


I met Joy during the premier launch of Suraji (movie) and she was smiling away - I really liked the role she played in the movie and she did an excellent job at it (thumbs up Lewa).
I later met her during the One Billion Rising project and... danced with us on the streets of Suva. Protesting and making a stand on removing all forms of violence against women and girls. I met her during our rehearsals for the Vagina Monologues and she was so eager to join the cause.
I did not get the opportunity to know her very well but the few times we did meet she was smiling away and something smart [what more can we expect from an academic] ...

In my books Joy was destined for greater things. She was a rising star and a shining one too. Everyone says she had very pretty eyes. I think she had mysterious eyes...

Taken away from us at the end of June (2013).... Her death is not something we want to be reminded about but it is one we need to learn from. Our dear friend Joy, was the victim of a very brutal murder :,-(

Today (4th of July) I attended a Peace Vigil held for Joy. It was here I learnt about the violence she lived through in her marriage. She was undergoing mental and emotional abuse.
Today I feel helpless. Helpless because I could not do anything for Joy.
helpless because I did not even know this was happening to someone I knew and someone who made me smile.

May your soul rest in Peace beloved Joy!! and we will continue to fight this fight to ensure safer spaces for women everywhere... We love you!!

We have so many friends out there. some we know from our childhoods. others we know from work, social media, networks etc. It is very important to spare a few minutes and ask our friends "How are you?" because one day you will wake up and that friend is no longer there!!!
It is especially important for us to talk about the abuse we are going through. being the abuser or the abused. it is equally important to receive professional help and ensure we do the right thing.

The fight for safer spaces will carry on. Today a fighter is no longer with us :-(
But in our works we will always remember you!!!

You were a true JOY :-) Rest in peace and watch over us!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Field Day in the Yaris

So this week we have a major forum taking place and so the office got a rental. A very lovely White YARIS :-)

I had to go and make payments at Bligh Water Shipping. I recall their office being in Walu Bay (Suva) so I drove down.
To my surprise that office space was empty and there was a notice:

We have moved to Moala Street, Samabula!!
So I drove down to Moala Street. On the phone the staff said it is now at 83 Moala street. Took me a while to find 83 Moala street only to be told they have moved to Lami.
So I asked them where in Lami they moved to and he told me to go to Resene Paints office, drive past it to the bend and that's where the office has shifted to.
For those who do not know Suva and Lami, Map of Suva to Lami And I went from somewhere near Downtown Suva, up towards Princess Road and than towards Novotel.
So I drove to Lami. Got to Resene paints and what what is on the bend "Food Pacific Limited".
I called bligh Water Shipping again and this time a different staff answered my call. He said I needed to take the street opposite from Resene paints and come all the way to the Round about.
And there it was Bligh Water Shipping. Bought the ticket and returned to the office.
Later that day I find out that Bligh Water Shipping has an office in the City near the market...
Oh deary me!! What a day :-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Disgusting is the number of rape cases!!

The news this year has been covering one too many rape/sexual abuse cases.
I am not complaing about the media reporting these. I am complaining about the increase in these crimes!!

Wednesday: 6th Feb 2013

Child sex suspect, 70, under lock

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Update: 1:15PM A 70-YEAR old man is in police custody in Lau over allegations he raped a 10-year old girl on an island in the group.
Police spokesman Inspector Atunaisa Sokomuri said the father of the girl reported the matter to police after he witnessed the alleged offence.He said the man had sent her daughter to fetch something from their home when the suspect followed her into the house and committed the alleged act.

Forced into sex trade

Tevita Vuibau
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

OFFICERS at the Fiji Police Force Human Trafficking Unit are investigating a case of forced prostitution.
This was confirmed by Police spokesman Inspector Atunaisa Sokomuri who said a report was received over the weekend.
The elder sister of the victim, who is a juvenile reported, the matter alleging that certain individuals were forcing her sister into prostitution.
However Inspector Sokomuri was quick to point out that this latest case involved a local woman.
"Whilst the unit has been investigating and prosecuting cases of human trafficking involving local and foreign nationals here in Fiji, the present allegation involves a local woman," Inspector Sokomuri said
The unit has successfully prosecuted two major cases recently whereby Asian nationals were involved and sentenced by the High Court in Suva.
Four Asians charged with aggravated trafficking in person, alternative counts of trafficking in person and sexual servitude — Phanat Laojindamanee, Lum Bing, Zhang Yong and Jason Zong — were found guilty.
Laojindamanee and Bing were charged with one count of aggravated trafficking in person and an alternative count of trafficking in person, Yong faced two counts of domestic trafficking in person while Zong was charged with two counts of sexual servitude.


Young victims

Dawn Gibson
Monday, February 04, 2013
TWO children are the latest rape victims in the country.
According to police, the two children aged four and six years were allegedly raped by a 41-year-old man on an island last month.
Police spokeswoman Ana Naisoro said the incident was reported to police on Saturday and the suspect was now in the custody of police on the island for interrogation.
Ms Naisoro said it was alleged that between 10am and 11am on January 27, the suspect had unlawful carnal knowledge with the two children while they were playing inside their kitchen.
She said the mother of the six-year-old was doing some chores outside their home when she heard her daughter screaming.
Upon enquiring, she said, the mother was told by her daughter that she and the four-year-old were both allegedly sexually abused by the suspect.
"The suspect is now in the custody of police for interrogation and for his safety until the completion of the investigations," she said.
"As investigations continue into the matter, the incident has once again sparked a warning that these crimes will not be condoned and those who continue to prey on our children will be brought to justice.
"A more concerted approach is needed to weed out this social ill as stated by the Commissioner of Police.
"This is an issue of morality which the police are ill-equipped to handle on their own," said Ms Naisoro.


Rape victim

Nanise Loanakadavu
Saturday, February 02, 2013
A NINE-month-old baby is the youngest rape victim in Fiji.
This was revealed by the National Co-ordinator of Children Abuse and Sexual Offence within the Fiji Police Force, Detective Inspector Salaseini Vakatuturagani.
And the force has described the incident as "shocking" saying for the first time, a baby was the victim of rape in the country.
Ms Vakatuturagani said the incident occurred in one of the outer islands last year.
She said the matter was reported to the police after the baby was taken to the hospital for a check up when she could not stop crying.
Ms Vakatuturagani said the perpetrator, a 39-year-old man, was in custody.
Commissioner of Police Brigadier General Ioane Naivalurua, however, admitted that last year was not a good year.
"Even this year, we have reported 10 cases of rape in January alone," Brig-Gen Naivalurua said.
He has called on church leaders to step on board and work with them because cases of sexual offences continue to be a concern to the police despite repeated reminders and warnings issued to the public.
"This is really the element of morality within the families but the intervention and approach cannot be done by police alone," Brig-Gen Naivalurua said.
"The church is well armed to handle this," he said.
Ms Vakatuturagani said a 79-year-old man was the oldest perpetrator of sexual crimes while a 10-year-old was the youngest. The case with the 10-year-old was reported in the beginning of this year.
Meanwhile, Fiji Women's Crisis Centre deputy co-ordinator Edwina Kotoisuva said the incident was a total abuse of power and trust. She said a lot of men in society nowadays were taking advantage of those who were vulnerable.
Last year, police recorded a total of 2980 sexual crimes.
Police statistics revealed the southern division recorded the highest at 1217 cases; followed by the Western Division — 758 cases; and then Eastern Division — 556; the Northern Division — 373; and the lowest received at Totogo of 76 cases.
Of all these sexual crimes, offences against public morality topped the list with 2153, and rape and attempted rape followed with 448 cases.

A few of the many that are in the papers. (The above are taken from Fiji times online).
It is sickening to read about these cases.
Parents to take extra caution when it comes to their children. But there are also incidents where close family members have violated the trust of these individuals.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Youngest rape victim in Fiji, 9 months old.

In the Fiji Times on Saturday, 2nd Februrary 2013, this was the front page news!!
How anyone can go past this page to the rest of the news is just a wonder.

Rape victim

Nanise Loanakadavu
Saturday, February 02, 2013

A NINE-month-old baby is the youngest rape victim in Fiji.
This was revealed by the National Co-ordinator of Children Abuse and Sexual Offence within the Fiji Police Force, Detective Inspector Salaseini Vakatuturagani.
And the force has described the incident as "shocking" saying for the first time, a baby was the victim of rape in the country.
Ms Vakatuturagani said the incident occurred in one of the outer islands last year.
She said the matter was reported to the police after the baby was taken to the hospital for a check up when she could not stop crying.
Ms Vakatuturagani said the perpetrator, a 39-year-old man, was in custody.
Commissioner of Police Brigadier General Ioane Naivalurua, however, admitted that last year was not a good year.
"Even this year, we have reported 10 cases of rape in January alone," Brig-Gen Naivalurua said.
He has called on church leaders to step on board and work with them because cases of sexual offences continue to be a concern to the police despite repeated reminders and warnings issued to the public.
"This is really the element of morality within the families but the intervention and approach cannot be done by police alone," Brig-Gen Naivalurua said.
"The church is well armed to handle this," he said.
Ms Vakatuturagani said a 79-year-old man was the oldest perpetrator of sexual crimes while a 10-year-old was the youngest. The case with the 10-year-old was reported in the beginning of this year.
Meanwhile, Fiji Women's Crisis Centre deputy co-ordinator Edwina Kotoisuva said the incident was a total abuse of power and trust. She said a lot of men in society nowadays were taking advantage of those who were vulnerable.
Last year, police recorded a total of 2980 sexual crimes.
Police statistics revealed the southern division recorded the highest at 1217 cases; followed by the Western Division — 758 cases; and then Eastern Division — 556; the Northern Division — 373; and the lowest received at Totogo of 76 cases.
Of all these sexual crimes, offences against public morality topped the list with 2153, and rape and attempted rape followed with 448 cases.
story can be accessed here.

9 month old baby!!! What are we doing wrong with people in our society?
On one hand we have issues/problems of Poverty, Unemployment, Global warming and on the other hand we have the huge problem of VIOLENCE!!! Violence encountered by women and children (mostly). 1 in 3 women has or will be a victim of violence (According to global stats).

Where are we going wrong?
Bring back hanging?
Stone the perpatrator to death?

Castrate them?
Whip them daily for th rest of their life?
None of these will undo the damage made to the victims life.
None of these will remove the trauma embeded in the victims life.

We need to take a good serious look at our own individual selves and within our networks.
What are we doing to END all forms of violence against womena dn children?
If we are not doing anything yet, we better start.
Today you read about someones daughter, wife, mother, sister in the news who was subjected to violence. Tomorrow it could be someone you know.

we all need to make a stand and join hands to fight this ugly battle.
When we are with our networks we NEED to discuss the issue of violence. If someone you know is having problems with family, friends, co-workers, management and they have a violent intention it is your responsibility to advice them of the nearest counseling center so they can discuss the issue and come to a solution.
If you know of someone who is being subjected to violence ASSIST them getting out of the situation. Report the matter to relevaant authorities and keep following up until something positive done about the situtation.

We need to work together to break the silence and CLAIM our rightful spaces!! We demand a space that is free from all kinds of violence!!!

We demand our right to SAFETY!!!

until next blog....


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

VAGINA Monologues

This 14th of February is reclaimed as V-DAY.
While I look forward to celebrating with the other women in Suva by participating in the One billion rising Pacific campaign, i am slightly more interested in witnessing the evneing program.
The Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni (of which I am a member) will be performing the Vagina Monologues written by Eve Ensler...
Yes we will be saying the word VAGINA over and over again!!!!
The monologues have very graphically captured the stories of many women. Eve has done a splendid job at doing so.
The members of Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni are rehearsing to perform these and they are doing such an amazing job.
You will not be disappointed if you come with an open mind and willingness to hear these stories without Discrimination!!! And without Opposition!!!
So here we go . . .
Until next Blog....

violence against women

Having a discussion (argument) on a FB forum on the topic of 'Women and Rape/violence'... This not so gentleman comes in and says "Women should learn martial arts'...
AND here we go again - around the same playground...
-women should wear long skirts.
-women should stay home.
-women should not go out alone.
-women should be silent . .. etc etc etc ....
That is enough B/S!!! Seriously!!! Lets face the reality of this matter!!! No matter what women do (or dont do) they continue to be subjected to violence and unequal opportunities. 1 in 3 women have undergone some kind of violence.
PNG stats shows 80% women have undergone violence.
Vanuatu stat shows 74% women have undergone violence.
that women/girl next to you might have undergone violence (of some sort). why didnt she tell you??? Exactly because of the above mentioned 'answers' that they receive... "If you did not talk back to you husband he would not hit you' i think that ship has sailed.... Women need to take ownership of their LIVES (lord knows it we only get it once) AND MEN...
MEN need to STOP this blame game and use their networks, positions and resources to EDUCATE other men that VIOLENCE of any kind is WRONG!!!!